My booth at an Outdoor Art Show

My booth at an Outdoor Art Show
The best part of an outdoor show is meeting you. If you read my blog, be sure to say Hi to me.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

OPEN HOUSE AT ONE MAN SHOW at The Darlington Arts Center

What began as a sunny morning turned gray and then as we drove to the open house, the rain turned to small snow flakes..that soon turned to larger snow flakes limiting my OPEN HOUSE faced the elements of not the best weather. However we had a number of attendees, hot cider, a little James Taylor Christmas music, home made cookies by Ellen, cheese and wine and our friends Dan and Barbara who helped us celebrate.

Sales were good as almost everyone took home something besides a homemade cookie. The show is open until December 23rd. There are 20 framed originals, 5 limited edition reproductions and giclees and then two filed with reproductions and one with matted originals...........well some of them have been sold.

Hope you can stop by but if not, call me for my next show date in March