My booth at an Outdoor Art Show

My booth at an Outdoor Art Show
The best part of an outdoor show is meeting you. If you read my blog, be sure to say Hi to me.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Summer Activity

This has been a busy summer with traveling to find new places to paint, spending time with my family, taking time to paint outdoors by myself and with our daughter Dawn and visiting several watercolor shows and locations.  We took a vacation with our youngest daughter and spent time in New England and managed to take 800 photos between both of us as we saw lighthouses, the Olson House that Andrew Wyeth painted "Cristina's World" and took a tour of their home, saw a show of Winslow Homer's work and took two whale watch cruises but whales.  Then Dawn came with me painting out doors - Dawn sketched and I painted among the chickens and roosters crowing.
                                                Motif # 1 in Rockport, MA
Olson House in Cushing , ME

Pemaquid Piont Lighthouse, ME

I am excited with my out door painting called Plein Air as I have learned to paint quicker and still retain the focal point of the painting.  Contrasting two of my plein air paintings will give you an idea.  My first two plein air paintings took time to complete  a study and then a final painting taking all day from 9:00 to 3:00.  This summer I took less time to sketch and finished a watercolor both in about 3 hours.  So painting quicker means less detail but by placing more detail in the focus area and using brighter colors, the paintings still are vibrant and exciting.

Since then I have been painting and getting ready for my out door shows and for a number of jury shows I will try to get in this fall.  By the way you can follow me on Facebook for more up to date information