My booth at an Outdoor Art Show

My booth at an Outdoor Art Show
The best part of an outdoor show is meeting you. If you read my blog, be sure to say Hi to me.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Paintings for 2014

Over the past month since my last art show, I have been reading and studying videos from some great water color artists.  If you want to see a great watercolor artist, buy the book by Mary Whyte called "Down Bohicket Road" and you will find it very interesting reading and see some great watercolors.

I have been painting to get ready for the Malvern Retreat House art show in laterJanuary.  As I work on 20 new paintings -  4 large and 15 small - I am trying to incorporate some of these ideas into my paintings.  Add some more color, add more value and darks and lights and try to make the focus of the paintings stand out more.

I am working on a painting of Victorian Cape May - you can see the beginning here .......well you have to come to the show to see the final painting but I do post the painting as I work on it on Facebook from time to time.   Have a great time over the Christmas Holidays.