My booth at an Outdoor Art Show

My booth at an Outdoor Art Show
The best part of an outdoor show is meeting you. If you read my blog, be sure to say Hi to me.

Friday, April 26, 2013

New watercolors painted of St David's Episcopal Church Radnor, PA

I was accepted into a Juried Art Show at St. David's Art Festival that will be

Presented by Delaware Valley Art League
Opening Reception April 26th 6-9:00 p.m.
Show April 26-May 5
Exhibit Times:
Sats - 10am-4pm
| Suns - 12pm-4pm | Mon-Fri 10am-4pm

I went to the church's historic chapel and collected photos to use to paint some original watercolors for this show and finished three.  This church has a special place in my heart as two of my grandparents are buried here and my Aunt Miriam and Uncle Marshall Monsell worshiped here and are also buried here.  I have been to this chapel for a few memorial services.  So when I was accepted into the show, I wanted to do a few special watercolors.  

Here is one of the two gates you can use to enter the Historic Chapel area of St David's.  There are two others you will find at the show..............I will be at the Opening on Friday evening so stop by and greet me and Sunday Afternoon from noon to 2:30 pm

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Winterthur Plein Air

On April 17th, a friend of mine Jim Evans and I went to Winterthur to sketch and paint plein air, which means being out side "in the air"-- painting in front of your subject.  Winterthur is the estate of Henry DuPont that is now a museum with 175 rooms and each one has furniture and everything you could imagine.  Well, instead of painting inside, we rode the tram throughout the grounds to select a place to paint.  We visited the dairy barns, the beef barns, the magnolia and flower gardens.   We selected the barn area.  Back in the 1800's, when they bought 15 farms in this area to form this property, they kept the houses and barns preserving the feel for the farm country.  
So in spite of the cloudy cool weather,  we spent the morning riding the tram to the barn area and sketched a barn property and took numerous photos to paint future paintings.  Then we went back in to warm up with hot coffee and tea , took a tour of some of the rooms in the house, ate lunch and then hopped on the tram to do more painting and sketching.  I finished a watercolor and Jim worked on a colored pencil study.   The sun finally broke through and it warmed up so we ended the day on a high note.  For more information on Winterthur go here--