My booth at an Outdoor Art Show

My booth at an Outdoor Art Show
The best part of an outdoor show is meeting you. If you read my blog, be sure to say Hi to me.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bryn Mawr Medical Building

Just took my painting of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse over to hang at this medical center next to Bryn Mawr Hospital for the Delaware Valley Art League show.  I took these photos while we were on vacation in Maine with our daughter and after visiting the Olson House painted and sketched over 1,000 time by Andre Wyeth.  We continued along the coast line and went to this lighthouse.

Here are two views of the lighthouse that sits above these rocks and allows you to catch the spray as the waves hit the rocks.  

This is the view I selected and it was juried into the Bryn Mawr Show that runs form now until March.
Just a great place to visit when you are in Maine.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Penncrest High School Christmas Show

On November 23rd I will be here for about the 10th year.  Since I recently completed the Brandywine Plein Air event painting out side in Chester County, I will have some of those paints with me from an 8 x 10 to a mid size watercolors.  This is the Birmingham Meeting House with the school behind it.

This year I will have more originals in my bin and have a good selection of framed smaller reproductions that make great Christmas presents.  I will also have my special rack of originals and reproductions at reduced prices at 50% off and for anyone who purchases $25 worth of paintings, yo will be able to get a free reproduction.
Also my daughter Kim will be with me selling her South Hill design jewelry that make great gifts.  You can see more on her facebook page

Stop by and say Hi and I will share some stories about the Brandywine Plein Air event.